Heston Bites is a newspaper inspired by the creative culinary mastermind - Heston Blumenthal
Graduate Class Project - SCAD 2017
Heston Blumenthal is a British culinary MasterChef who has altered the path of British food forever. Considered to be one of the most significant molecular gastronomists of our time, he has delighted his diners for over 20 years now.
Being self-taught, he continually challenges preconceived notions and is always on the fringe of innovation.
Articles, quotes, and recipes used in the newspaper were sourced from Heston’s seven tv shows, nine books, and multiple interviews.
Below are my favorite typographic pieces from this project
Your Meal is Served
Cover art using a quote was constructed in place - within the hollow of a cut-down tree at the local park. The type was cut out of blue foam and placed within the space. It was then covered with dirt, fresh moss, and finally worms to bring it to life.
The Difference Between Taste and Flavour
When understood well, the five tastes: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami, results in an absolutely tongue-gasmic culinary experience.
Molecular Gastronomy is Dead
Written by Jay Rayner, the article this piece reflects speaks of how Heston does not appreciate the term Molecular Gastronomy. He thinks it sounds daunting, while in reality it is just about understanding and then manipulating the scientific process of cooking.
"Food should be about fun, laughter and excitement!"
This centerfold piece illustrates that moment of pure joy while eating; food stuck in your teeth and all.
Food and The Brain
This piece highlights a snippet from one of Heston’s books that explains how eating is a multi-sensorial experience, one that Heston so skillfully manipulates to extend the eating experience beyond the usual and expected.
Sensory Explosion
Heston treats his diners with a holistic experience that results in a sensory explosion. Understanding the science behind it can train diners to search for unusual culinary delights and even bring them into home cooking.
Heston, We Have A Problem
Heston's most recent (as of 2017) pet project has been about space exploration. Working with British astronaut Tim Peake, Heston has re-imagined space cuisine. This is an article from theguardian.com. One specific call out from this article is how Heston re-imagined a bacon sandwich - the astronaut's favorite food - and the one he missed most while in space.
The layout of this piece plays with the idea of gravity. It was designed keeping in mind what would happen with the positive and negative spaces of letterforms if put in zero gravity. The article is laid out upside down, almost like looking up/down into another dimension of space.
The WOW Factor
By continually striving to push boundaries, Heston sometimes has to step way beyond the line to test how acceptable people are to the out-of-the-ordinary. Sometimes he goes too far but almost always finds a way to cross over that limit the next time.